RabbitMQ metrics in Elasticsearch

In this example we are using Elastic Cloud managed elasticsearch and will deploy the metricbeat to a k8s cluster. Create Secret apiVersion: v1 data: ELASTICSEARCH_AUTH: [base64_encoded_auth] ELASTICSEARCH_CLOUD_ID: [base64_encoded_cloudid] ELASTICSEARCH_RABBITMQ_PASSWORD: [base64_encoded_password] ELASTICSEARCH_RABBITMQ_USER: [base64_encoded_user] kind: Secret metadata: name: metricbeat type: Opaque Create DNS pointing to RabbitMQ apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: Read more…

RabbitMq in Docker Container

Make sure you have docker CE installed and running, then start container: docker run -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 –name rabbitmq rabbitmq:management -p {localhost port}:{container port}: exposes container port on localhost port –name {name}: assign name to container Check the Management web site by opening the web browser and navigating to: http://localhost:15672 Read more…

RabbitMq Management

UPDATE: run rabbitmq in a docker container Follow these instructions to configure RabbitMq management and expose it on the web. Check this post for instructions on how to setup RabbitMq on Ubuntu 16.04. Enable Plugin In order to list all the plugins and whether they are enabled or not, run: sudo rabbitmq-plugins Read more…

RabbitMq Setup

The instructions in this recipe assume a server running Ubuntu 16.04. Update/Upgrade Packages sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Install RabbitMq At the time of writing this, Ubuntu 16.04 includes RabbitMq server version 3.6.3. To get a more up-to-date version (3.6.12), you can get it from the rabbitmq “testing” repo. Read more…