Generate API clients using the Swagger Code Generator in a docker container.
This instructions were tested on a Mac, most likely will also work on a Linux host and can easily be adapted to work on Windows.
Get the compatible swagger/OpenAPI API description file in the json format and save to a folder as swagger.json
For simplicity create a new folder and save the swagger.json there.
A couple helpful scripts
Create these scripts on the folder you created on the step above.
docker run --rm -it \
-w /src \
-v "${PWD}:/gen" \
swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli \
mkdir -p src
./ generate \
-i /gen/swagger.json -o /gen/$1 \
-l $1 -c /gen/$1.json
Create configuration file
The generator supports several different targets. A couple examples for typescript clients are typescript-fetch and typescript-angular.
To find the available targets:
$ ./ langs
The output will be similar to:
Available languages: [ada, ada-server, akka-scala, android, apache2, apex, aspnetcore, bash, csharp, clojure, cwiki, cpprest, csharp-dotnet2, dart, elixir, elm, eiffel, erlang-client, erlang-server, finch, flash, python-flask, go, go-server, groovy, haskell-http-client, haskell, jmeter, jaxrs-cxf-client, jaxrs-cxf, java, inflector, jaxrs-cxf-cdi, jaxrs-spec, jaxrs, msf4j, java-pkmst, java-play-framework, jaxrs-resteasy-eap, jaxrs-resteasy, javascript, javascript-closure-angular, java-vertx, kotlin, lua, lumen, nancyfx, nodejs-server, objc, perl, php, powershell, pistache-server, python, qt5cpp, r, rails5, restbed, ruby, rust, rust-server, scala, scala-gatling, scala-lagom-server, scalatra, scalaz, php-silex, sinatra, slim, spring, dynamic-html, html2, html, swagger, swagger-yaml, swift4, swift3, swift, php-symfony, tizen, typescript-aurelia, typescript-angular, typescript-inversify, typescript-angularjs, typescript-fetch, typescript-jquery, typescript-node, undertow, ze-ph, kotlin-server]
The scripts above assume a json file named after the “target type” (e.g. language) exists on the same folder of the swagger.json file.
Configure the target
To find the options available for the target (language):
$ ./ config-help -l typescript-fetch
Replace typescript-fetch with any other valid target (languages).
typescript-fetch.json (example)
For example, to generate a typescript API client to be used in a React app, create a file typescript-fetch.json:
"supportsES6": true,
"modelPropertyNaming": "camelCase",
"npmName": "api",
"npmVersion": "0.0.1",
"withInterfaces": true
Generate the client code
$ ./ typescript-fetch
Again, you can use any of the other targets instead of typescript-fetch on the line above
You will find the generated code client on a subfolder named the ‘target’ (e.g. ‘typescript-fetch’ for the example above)
For most targets you will find a file inside this subfolder with the next steps.
For typescript-fetch (react apps using typescript)
Inside the typescritp-fetch (folder generated by the steps above)
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Edit the project.json file to update the author, description, version and others and then run:
$ npm pack
You will find a tgz file with the name derived from the name and version on your project.json.