Getting started with Ansible

To Install on MacOS Add pip: $ sudo easy_install pip Install ansible: $ sudo pip install ansible Ping (EC2 Instance) sudo mkdir /etc/ansible cd /etc/ansible sudo vi hosts hosts (list of your hosts): use ssh-agent? $ ssh-agent bash $ ssh-add ~/aws_key.pem Ping To connect you will need to add Read more…

Kibana – reset

delete filebeat template curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9200/_template/filebeat-6.0.0 delete all indices: curl -X DELETE ‘http://localhost:9200/_all’ delete ingest template curl -X DELETE localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/filebeat-* Using the developer console DELETE /_template/filebeat-6.0.0 DELETE /_all DELETEĀ /_ingest/pipeline/filebeat-*